
The audio file editor, baptised 'Eisenkraut', came into existance (as a scaffold) during a project class on audio programming in Java at the SeaM in Weimar. It is distinguished by a number of traits which makes it particularly interesting in the field of computer music: There are no restrictions with regard to the number of channels in a file, and there is an OSC interface via which the functionality can be extended, for example using the SuperCollider language. Possible applications of such extensions are the transfer of marker information or the maintainance of meta data for segmented files, the algorithmic editing (cut/copy/paste) of files, or the addition of your own sound transformations or special decoders (e.g. an MS matrix).

There are a few examples included which show how to add your own reverberation or equalizer using SuperCollider and the SwingOSC GUI, as well as a control room recorder which is useful to quickly capture sound ideas from multiple running documents.

Eisenkraut also works as a useful companion of FScape and Kontur, as it allows to quickly open and playback files in the former case, or to make region selections and place them on Kontur's timeline in the latter case. The built in audio recorder is a handy tool to make multi channel recordings without a fuss.

Other features include waveform caching, easy and precise time selections and marker manipulations, configurable automatic crossfades during cut and paste, overwrite and mix modes for pasting, half and double speed playback, adjustable solo, mute and panorama per channel, and editable input and output configurations for multichannel soundcards.

Finally, there is an experimental sonagramme option which uses logarithmic sampling with adaptive time resolution, based on the constant Q algorithm by Brown and Puckette. At the time of this writing, editing is currently not possible in the sonagramme mode, so it is restricted to pure analytical uses. This will be fully functional in future versions.


The following 18 minute screencast should allow you to get started with Eisenkraut:

Getting started with Eisenkraut from Sciss on Vimeo.