Invited talk at CARPA 8 ‘solved by moving’

CARPA is short for Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts, a biennial event held by the Performing Arts Research Centre at the Theatre Academy of Uniarts Helsinki. The 2023 edition motto is ‘solved by moving’, and points to the necessity of knowledge and experience to feed on change, movement, and relocation. Drawing on my background in algorithmic experimentation, I will participate in one of the three strands of the colloquium, Algorithmisation and Automated Movement, by attending the various presentations linked to this theme, co-facilitating a workshop on the third day, and giving a keynote presentation titled ‘Beyond self and other: Shifting research from automation to endomation’. This presentation ties together findings from my last two artistic research projects, and proposes to shift focus away from seemingly self-sufficient movements of the machinic, towards modes of ensemble movement that reciprocally constitutes the very space in which this movement can take place.