Exhibition Turbulence

Exhibition «Turbulence» at Forum Stadtpark. This interactive sound installation was developed with the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM, KUG Graz), the Institute for Centemporary Art (IZK, TU Graz) and the Institute for Architecture and Media (IAM, TU Graz) within the frameworks of the SysSon sonification research project (funded by FWF Austria) and the ADRIART project. Climate data advisors are Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change.
For this installation I composed a 42-channel real-time sound composition based on climate data and a custom computer music system. The sounds layers are influenced by a matrix of motion sensors, developed by Richard Dank. The visual installation features a topography of paper by Ana Sabolic, Laura Nefeli Chromecek, Liberta Misan. ADRIART mentors are Daniela Brasil and Nayari Castillo.
Opening Fri 7 Nov, 19h; Exhibition 8–29 Nov, Tue–Fri 11–18h, Sat 11–16h