‘Mäanderungen’ won lime_lab prize for transdisciplinary radio

The experimental radio project ‘Mäanderungen - akustische Vermessung der Stadt’ (meanderings - acoustic surveying of the city), conceived by Nayarí Castillo, Reni Hofmüller, Miriam Raggam, and Hanns Holger Rutz, has been chosen for the lime_lab prize 2018. The prize is endowed by the federal government of Austria and will be awarded on March 7 at Akademie Graz. lime_lab is a cooperation of Akademie Graz, Forum Stadtpark, Literaturhaus Graz, ORF Styria und festival steirischer herbst.
‘Mäanderungen’ consists of multiple approaches to explore and auditively map the city, departing from our bodies as primary instruments of measurement. It is composed of six layers – archeology of time, scanning/recording, material radio, experimental narratives, moments of getting lost, poetic manuals – which are non-linearly interwoven, utilising an algorithmic generator of radio pieces. It is planned that multiple variants of these pieces are broadcast, and we also intend to present the project as an installation in public space, to be realised in autumn 2018.