Simultaneous Arrivals
The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has approved my project ‘Simultaneous Arrivals’ (Simularr in short) within its prestigous track of artistic research (PEEK).
The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has approved my project ‘Simultaneous Arrivals’ (Simularr in short) within its prestigous track of artistic research (PEEK).
Preparing in March, and taking place during the month of April, Swap Space is a research pilot project that explores new forms of collaborative artistic rese...
In many ways, 2021 felt like stasis, nevertheless the turn to 2022 held some new developments ready.
More than merely a catalogue documenting the digital and sound art parcours, a new 116 pages book contextualises the project with guest constributions.
The experimental algorithmic duo gets together after a hiatus, and I’ll also present the computer music system hands-on.