Exhibition Aleatorium at Reagenz 19 June–11 July

Save the date! On June 19, we are opening our studio and project space Reagenz to participate in the Kunstraum Steiermark presentations. Since this year, Nayarí receives this scholarship provided by the State of Styria to support setting up and developing studios and workspaces. Reagenz - Space for Spatial Experiments is used as laboratory for artistic research. During 2021 Nayarí Castillo investigates on the one hand on public space experiments that foster coexistence (Homeostasis, Urban Assemblages & Hinge); and on the other, in partnership with sound artist Hanns Holger Rutz, on collaboration as methodological artistic production tool (Un-synchronization and Simultaneous Relaying).
On the 19th of June 2021, the exhibition Aleatorium will be inaugurated, a new work-in-progress installation combining found objects, robotic arms, ceramics, light and sound. The exhibition is open Tuesdays to Saturdays 14–19h, and runs until July 11th. At the same time, the piece Kontakt (simultan) starts to be running in one of the showroom windows of Reagenz, a stereoscopic display accessible from the street daily from 14–21h (better visible in the evening).