Space Material Detail - Workshop with MAST

In this project, architecture and algorithmic practices come together. Architecture is not just about buildings filling up space, but about the production of space. On the other hand, the iterative nature of algorithms, their provisions of repetition and the possibility to rerun them, lead to a straight concept of algorithmic space, as the breadth and organisation of all the forms they are able to produce. However, we assume that algorithmic space is not primarily the result of form generation but of an intrinsic speculative movement of the algorithmic and its interaction with humans who write code and experiment with it. Therefore, making visible and audible the exchange processes between humans and machines becomes a means of critically articulating this space. The departure point for the course Space Material Detail are algorithmic elements, created within the context of the project Algorithms that Matter that provides an open source for inspiration, exploration and manipulation. Some elements of software, sound and graphics can be translated into models to the (physical) three-dimensional space in order to create an installative experience of space(s).
Space Material Detail is a collaboration between the European Master Module in Art Science and Technology (MAST), coordinated in Graz by the Institute of Spatial Design IRG of the TU Graz, with the artistic research project Algorithms that Matter (ALMAT). Results of the workshop in April at esc media art lab are to be transformed into an exhibition planned for spring 2020.