Urban Spaces (2008)
This is an installation developed by our improv quartet HMSS (Ludger Hennig, Markus Markowski, Sciss, Johannes Sienknecht). It was commissioned for the «O!VĀCIJA» festival of Goethe Institute Latvia, and set up in the RIXC media space Riga. The space is sounded with eight horizontally and vertically distributed speakers driven by an algorithmic composition run from a computer.
Each of the ensemble members has developed a sound layer for the installation, contrasting the artifact of the previous live performance in that same space with field recordings made in the city of Riga. While the concert is deconstructed in a recursive erosive process, fragments and glimpses from the outside of the white (blue) cube infiltrate. A personal voiceprint of our short residence.

Urban Spaces (room recording, use headphones)