
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package de
    Definition Classes
  • package sciss

    The interfaces are grouped into the following packages:

    Welcome to the Mellite API documentation.

    The interfaces are grouped into the following packages:

    The Lucre transactional object model:

    • de.sciss.lucre.stm is the base package for transactions, with things like Obj, Txn, Sys, and Cursor
    • de.sciss.lucre.artifact is the base package for file system artifacts, with classes Artifact and ArtifactLocation
    • de.sciss.lucre.expr is the base package for expression types such as IntObj, DoubleObj, etc.

    Other useful packages:

    • for reading and writing audio files
    • de.sciss.osc for general Open Sound Control interfaces
    Definition Classes
  • package synth
    Definition Classes
  • object Ops

    Importing the contents of this object adds imperative (side-effect) functions to resources such as synths, buses, buffers.

    Importing the contents of this object adds imperative (side-effect) functions to resources such as synths, buses, buffers. In general these reflect the OSC messages defined for each object, and send them straight to the server. For example, a Synth has function newMsg which returns an OSC message to instantiate the synth of the server. After importing Ops, you will be able to directly launch a synth using or You will be able to directly allocate and read buffers, and so forth.

    The reason why these functions are separated from the rest of the API is to allow other frameworks such as SoundProcesses to avoid side-effects which they handle differently (e.g., using STM).

    Definition Classes
  • BufferConstructors
  • BufferOps
  • ControlBusOps
  • EnvOps
  • GroupConstructors
  • GroupOps
  • NodeOps
  • ServerOps
  • SynthConstructors
  • SynthDefConstructors
  • SynthDefOps
  • SynthOps



implicit final class ControlBusOps extends AnyVal

Linear Supertypes
AnyVal, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ControlBusOps
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new ControlBusOps(b: ControlBus)

Value Members

  1. def fill(data: FillRange*): Unit
  2. def fill(value: Float): Unit
  3. def get(indices: Int*): Future[IndexedSeq[Float]]

    Gets multiple bus values specified as relative channel offsets.

  4. def get(): Future[Float]

    Convenience method that gets a single bus value.

    Convenience method that gets a single bus value. The bus must have exactly one channel, otherwise an exception is thrown.

  5. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  6. def getData(): Future[IndexedSeq[Float]]
  7. def getn(pairs: Range*): Future[IndexedSeq[Float]]
  8. def set(pairs: FillValue*): Unit
  9. def set(value: Double): Unit

    Convenience method that sets a single bus value.

    Convenience method that sets a single bus value. The bus must have exactly one channel, otherwise an exception is thrown.

  10. def setData(values: IndexedSeq[Float]): Unit
  11. def setn(pairs: (Int, IndexedSeq[Float])*): Unit