class JFreqScopeView extends ScopeViewImpl[Data] with FreqScopeViewLike
An oscilloscope canvas component. Has controls for resolution (zoom), setting waveform color, and choosing between three different styles: 0 - parallel, 1 - overlay, 2 - lissajous (x/y).
To have additional user interface controls, JScopePanel
can be used, which contains a JScopeView
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- JFreqScopeView
- FreqScopeViewLike
- ScopeViewImpl
- ScopeViewLike
- JComponent
- HasGetTransferHandler
- Container
- Component
- Serializable
- MenuContainer
- ImageObserver
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new JFreqScopeView()
Type Members
- abstract class AccessibleAWTComponent extends AccessibleContext with Serializable with AccessibleComponent
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- class AccessibleAWTContainer extends AccessibleAWTComponent
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Container
- abstract class AccessibleJComponent extends AccessibleAWTContainer with AccessibleExtendedComponent
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- final class ActionStandin extends Action
- Attributes
- private[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- class BltBufferStrategy extends BufferStrategy
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- class FlipBufferStrategy extends BufferStrategy
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def DEBUG_PNT_VEC: Array[Float]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- def add(arg0: Component, arg1: AnyRef, arg2: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def add(arg0: Component, arg1: AnyRef): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def add(arg0: Component, arg1: Int): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def add(arg0: String, arg1: Component): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def add(arg0: Component): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def add(arg0: PopupMenu): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addAncestorListener(arg0: AncestorListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def addComponentListener(arg0: ComponentListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addContainerListener(arg0: ContainerListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def addFocusListener(arg0: FocusListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addHierarchyBoundsListener(arg0: HierarchyBoundsListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addHierarchyListener(arg0: HierarchyListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addImpl(arg0: Component, arg1: AnyRef, arg2: Int): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def addInputMethodListener(arg0: InputMethodListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addKeyListener(arg0: KeyListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addMouseListener(arg0: MouseListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addMouseMotionListener(arg0: MouseMotionListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addMouseWheelListener(arg0: MouseWheelListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def addNotify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def addPropertyChangeListener(arg0: String, arg1: PropertyChangeListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def addPropertyChangeListener(arg0: PropertyChangeListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def addVetoableChangeListener(arg0: VetoableChangeListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def applyComponentOrientation(arg0: ComponentOrientation): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def areFocusTraversalKeysSet(arg0: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def calcPolySize(width: Int): Int
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → ScopeViewImpl
- def channelStyle: Int
The drawing style can be one of
).The drawing style can be one of
).In parallel or "normal" style, each channel is drawn separately in a vertical per-channel arrangement. In overlay mode, all channels are drawn superimposed on each other. In Lissajous or X/Y style, the first channel specifies the x-coordinate, and the second channel specifies the y-coordinate.
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def channelStyle_=(value: Int): Unit
The drawing style can be one of
).The drawing style can be one of
).In parallel or "normal" style, each channel is drawn separately in a vertical per-channel arrangement. In overlay mode, all channels are drawn superimposed on each other. In Lissajous or X/Y style, the first channel specifies the x-coordinate, and the second channel specifies the y-coordinate.
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def checkImage(arg0: Image, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: ImageObserver): Int
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def checkImage(arg0: Image, arg1: ImageObserver): Int
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- def coalesceEvents(arg0: AWTEvent, arg1: AWTEvent): AWTEvent
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def computeVisibleRect(arg0: Rectangle): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def config: Config
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- def config_=(value: Config): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- def contains(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def contains(arg0: Point): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def createImage(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Image
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def createImage(arg0: ImageProducer): Image
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def createScopeData(polySize: Int): Data
Create an opaque data type value.
Create an opaque data type value. Must not be
.- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → ScopeViewImpl
- def createToolTip(): JToolTip
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def createVolatileImage(arg0: Int, arg1: Int, arg2: ImageCapabilities): VolatileImage
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.awt.AWTException])
- def createVolatileImage(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): VolatileImage
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def disableEvents(arg0: Long): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def dispatchEvent(arg0: AWTEvent): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def dispose(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def doLayout(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- final def enableEvents(arg0: Long): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def enableInputMethods(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def findComponentAt(arg0: Point): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def findComponentAt(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Char, arg2: Char): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Int, arg2: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Boolean, arg2: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Double, arg2: Double): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Float, arg2: Float): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Long, arg2: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Short, arg2: Short): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: Byte, arg2: Byte): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def firePropertyChange(arg0: String, arg1: AnyRef, arg2: AnyRef): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def fireVetoableChange(arg0: String, arg1: AnyRef, arg2: AnyRef): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.beans.PropertyVetoException])
- def getAccessibleContext(): AccessibleContext
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getActionForKeyStroke(arg0: KeyStroke): ActionListener
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- final def getActionMap(): ActionMap
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getAlignmentX(): Float
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def getAlignmentY(): Float
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def getAncestorListeners(): Array[AncestorListener]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getAutoscrolls(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getBackground(): Color
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def getBaseline(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def getBaselineResizeBehavior(): BaselineResizeBehavior
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getBorder(): Border
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getBounds(arg0: Rectangle): Rectangle
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def getBounds(): Rectangle
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- final def getClientProperty(arg0: AnyRef): AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getColorModel(): ColorModel
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getComponent(arg0: Int): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def getComponentAt(arg0: Point): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def getComponentAt(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def getComponentCount(): Int
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def getComponentGraphics(arg0: Graphics): Graphics
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getComponentListeners(): Array[ComponentListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getComponentOrientation(): ComponentOrientation
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getComponentPopupMenu(): JPopupMenu
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getComponentZOrder(arg0: Component): Int
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def getComponents(): Array[Component]
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def getConditionForKeyStroke(arg0: KeyStroke): Int
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getContainerListeners(): Array[ContainerListener]
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def getCursor(): Cursor
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getDebugGraphicsOptions(): Int
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getDropTarget(): DropTarget
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getFocusCycleRootAncestor(): Container
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getFocusListeners(): Array[FocusListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getFocusTraversalKeys(arg0: Int): Set[AWTKeyStroke]
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getFocusTraversalPolicy(): FocusTraversalPolicy
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def getFont(): Font
- Definition Classes
- Component → MenuContainer
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def getFontMetrics(arg0: Font): FontMetrics
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def getForeground(): Color
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def getGraphics(): Graphics
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getGraphicsConfiguration(): GraphicsConfiguration
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getHeight(): Int
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getHierarchyBoundsListeners(): Array[HierarchyBoundsListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getHierarchyListeners(): Array[HierarchyListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getIgnoreRepaint(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getInheritsPopupMenu(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getInputContext(): InputContext
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def getInputMap(): InputMap
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- final def getInputMap(arg0: Int): InputMap
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getInputMethodListeners(): Array[InputMethodListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getInputMethodRequests(): InputMethodRequests
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getInputVerifier(): InputVerifier
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getInsets(arg0: Insets): Insets
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getInsets(): Insets
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getKeyListeners(): Array[KeyListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getLayout(): LayoutManager
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def getListeners[T <: EventListener](arg0: Class[T]): Array[T]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def getLocale(): Locale
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getLocation(arg0: Point): Point
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def getLocation(): Point
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getLocationOnScreen(): Point
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getMaximumSize(): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def getMinimumSize(): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def getMouseListeners(): Array[MouseListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getMouseMotionListeners(): Array[MouseMotionListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getMousePosition(arg0: Boolean): Point
- Definition Classes
- Container
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.awt.HeadlessException])
- def getMousePosition(): Point
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.awt.HeadlessException])
- def getMouseWheelListeners(): Array[MouseWheelListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getName(): String
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getParent(): Container
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getPopupLocation(arg0: MouseEvent): Point
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getPreferredSize(): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def getPropertyChangeListeners(arg0: String): Array[PropertyChangeListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getPropertyChangeListeners(): Array[PropertyChangeListener]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getRegisteredKeyStrokes(): Array[KeyStroke]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getRootPane(): JRootPane
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getSize(arg0: Dimension): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def getSize(): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getToolTipLocation(arg0: MouseEvent): Point
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getToolTipText(arg0: MouseEvent): String
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getToolTipText(): String
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getToolkit(): Toolkit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getTopLevelAncestor(): Container
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getTransferHandler(): TransferHandler
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → HasGetTransferHandler
- final def getTreeLock(): AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def getUI(): ComponentUI
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def getUIClassID(): String
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def getVetoableChangeListeners(): Array[VetoableChangeListener]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getVisibleRect(): Rectangle
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getWidth(): Int
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getX(): Int
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def getY(): Int
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def grabFocus(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def hasFocus(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- def imageUpdate(arg0: Image, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: Int, arg4: Int, arg5: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component → ImageObserver
- def invalidate(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def isAncestorOf(arg0: Component): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def isBackgroundSet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isCursorSet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isDisplayable(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isDoubleBuffered(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def isEnabled(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isFocusCycleRoot(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def isFocusCycleRoot(arg0: Container): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def isFocusOwner(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def isFocusTraversalPolicySet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def isFocusable(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isFontSet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isForegroundSet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def isLightweight(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isMaximumSizeSet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isMinimumSizeSet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isOpaque(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def isOptimizedDrawingEnabled(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- final def isPaintingForPrint(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def isPaintingOrigin(): Boolean
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def isPaintingTile(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def isPreferredSizeSet(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isRequestFocusEnabled(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def isRunning: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def isShowing(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isValid(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def isValidateRoot(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container
- def isVisible(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Transient()
- def list(arg0: PrintWriter, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def list(arg0: PrintStream, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def list(arg0: PrintWriter): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def list(arg0: PrintStream): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def list(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def logAmp: Boolean
Whether the amplitude axis is logarithmic (decibels)
Whether the amplitude axis is logarithmic (decibels)
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def logAmpMin: Float
The lowest displayed amplitude in decibels, when
is enabled.The lowest displayed amplitude in decibels, when
is enabled.- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def logAmpMin_=(value: Float): Unit
The lowest displayed amplitude in decibels, when
is enabled.The lowest displayed amplitude in decibels, when
is enabled.- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def logAmp_=(value: Boolean): Unit
Whether the amplitude axis is logarithmic (decibels)
Whether the amplitude axis is logarithmic (decibels)
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def logFreq: Boolean
Whether the frequency axis is logarithmic
Whether the frequency axis is logarithmic
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → FreqScopeViewLike
- def logFreqMin: Float
The lowest displayed frequency in Hertz, when
is enabled.The lowest displayed frequency in Hertz, when
is enabled.- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → FreqScopeViewLike
- def logFreqMin_=(value: Float): Unit
The lowest displayed frequency in Hertz, when
is enabled.The lowest displayed frequency in Hertz, when
is enabled.- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → FreqScopeViewLike
- def logFreq_=(value: Boolean): Unit
Whether the frequency axis is logarithmic
Whether the frequency axis is logarithmic
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → FreqScopeViewLike
- def markPaintRecalculation(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- def overlayPainter: ScopeViewOverlayPainter
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- def overlayPainter_=(value: ScopeViewOverlayPainter): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- def paint(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def paintAll(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def paintBorder(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def paintChildren(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def paintComponent(g: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → JComponent
- def paintComponents(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def paintImmediately(arg0: Rectangle): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def paintImmediately(arg0: Int, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def paramString(): String
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- var pntOffYCh: Int
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- var pntOffYIn: Float
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- var pntScaleX: Float
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- var pntScaleY: Float
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl
- def prepareImage(arg0: Image, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: ImageObserver): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def prepareImage(arg0: Image, arg1: ImageObserver): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def prepareVector(data: Data, vc: Array[Float], n: Int): Unit
Callback for preparing
, before it gets copied to paint vector.Callback for preparing
, before it gets copied to paint vector. Thevec
is filled with the raw buffer data from theSynth
, if a no-op is wanted, simply return directly from this method.- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → ScopeViewImpl
- def print(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def printAll(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def printBorder(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def printChildren(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def printComponent(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def printComponents(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def processComponentEvent(arg0: ComponentEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def processComponentKeyEvent(arg0: KeyEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def processContainerEvent(arg0: ContainerEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def processEvent(arg0: AWTEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def processFocusEvent(arg0: FocusEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def processHierarchyBoundsEvent(arg0: HierarchyEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def processHierarchyEvent(arg0: HierarchyEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def processInputMethodEvent(arg0: InputMethodEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def processKeyBinding(arg0: KeyStroke, arg1: KeyEvent, arg2: Int, arg3: Boolean): Boolean
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def processKeyEvent(arg0: KeyEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def processMouseEvent(arg0: MouseEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def processMouseMotionEvent(arg0: MouseEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def processMouseWheelEvent(arg0: MouseWheelEvent): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- final def putClientProperty(arg0: AnyRef, arg1: AnyRef): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def registerKeyboardAction(arg0: ActionListener, arg1: KeyStroke, arg2: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def registerKeyboardAction(arg0: ActionListener, arg1: String, arg2: KeyStroke, arg3: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def remove(arg0: Component): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def remove(arg0: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def remove(arg0: MenuComponent): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component → MenuContainer
- def removeAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def removeAncestorListener(arg0: AncestorListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def removeComponentListener(arg0: ComponentListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeContainerListener(arg0: ContainerListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def removeFocusListener(arg0: FocusListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeHierarchyBoundsListener(arg0: HierarchyBoundsListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeHierarchyListener(arg0: HierarchyListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeInputMethodListener(arg0: InputMethodListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeKeyListener(arg0: KeyListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeMouseListener(arg0: MouseListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeMouseMotionListener(arg0: MouseMotionListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeMouseWheelListener(arg0: MouseWheelListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeNotify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def removePropertyChangeListener(arg0: String, arg1: PropertyChangeListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removePropertyChangeListener(arg0: PropertyChangeListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def removeVetoableChangeListener(arg0: VetoableChangeListener): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def repaint(arg0: Rectangle): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def repaint(arg0: Long, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: Int, arg4: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def repaint(arg0: Int, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def repaint(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def repaint(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def requestFocus(arg0: Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def requestFocus(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def requestFocus(arg0: Boolean, arg1: Cause): Boolean
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def requestFocus(arg0: Cause): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def requestFocusInWindow(arg0: Boolean): Boolean
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def requestFocusInWindow(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def requestFocusInWindow(arg0: Cause): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def resetKeyboardActions(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def revalidate(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- def screenColor: Color
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def screenColor_=(value: Color): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def scrollRectToVisible(arg0: Rectangle): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- final def setActionMap(arg0: ActionMap): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def setAlignmentX(arg0: Float): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setAlignmentY(arg0: Float): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setAutoscrolls(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setBackground(arg0: Color): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setBorder(arg0: Border): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setBounds(arg0: Rectangle): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setBounds(arg0: Int, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setComponentOrientation(arg0: ComponentOrientation): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setComponentPopupMenu(arg0: JPopupMenu): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setComponentZOrder(arg0: Component, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def setCursor(arg0: Cursor): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setDebugGraphicsOptions(arg0: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setDoubleBuffered(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def setDropTarget(arg0: DropTarget): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setEnabled(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setFocusCycleRoot(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def setFocusTraversalKeys(arg0: Int, arg1: Set[_ <: AWTKeyStroke]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setFocusTraversalPolicy(arg0: FocusTraversalPolicy): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- final def setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def setFocusable(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setFont(arg0: Font): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setForeground(arg0: Color): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setIgnoreRepaint(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setInheritsPopupMenu(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- final def setInputMap(arg0: Int, arg1: InputMap): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def setInputVerifier(arg0: InputVerifier): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setLayout(arg0: LayoutManager): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def setLocale(arg0: Locale): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setLocation(arg0: Point): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setLocation(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setMaximumSize(arg0: Dimension): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setMinimumSize(arg0: Dimension): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setMixingCutoutShape(arg0: Shape): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setName(arg0: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setOpaque(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setPreferredSize(arg0: Dimension): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setRequestFocusEnabled(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def setSize(arg0: Dimension): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setSize(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def setToolTipText(arg0: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setTransferHandler(arg0: TransferHandler): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setUI(arg0: ComponentUI): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[javax.swing]
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def setVisible(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @BeanProperty()
- def start(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def stop(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- Component → AnyRef → Any
- def transferFocus(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def transferFocusBackward(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def transferFocusDownCycle(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container
- def transferFocusUpCycle(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- def unregisterKeyboardAction(arg0: KeyStroke): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def update(arg0: Graphics): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Container → Component
- def updatePaintData(width: Int, height: Int, heightCh: Int, numChannels: Int): Unit
This is called in every component paint cycle.
This is called in every component paint cycle. Subclasses should update
.- width
total painting width in pixels
- height
total painting height in pixels
- heightCh
painting height per channel in pixels
- numChannels
effectively painted number of channels
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → ScopeViewImpl
- def updateUI(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- def validate(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- def validateTree(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[awt]
- Definition Classes
- Container
- val vecFramesFactor: Int
Factor by which
is scaled compared touseFrames
Factor by which
is scaled compared touseFrames
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → ScopeViewImpl
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- def waveColors: Seq[Color]
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def waveColors_=(c: Seq[Color]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def xResolution: Float
Determines the over- or under-sampling to achieve higher or lower resolution spectra.
Determines the over- or under-sampling to achieve higher or lower resolution spectra.
At the default of
, the resolution matches the screen resolution (it will be slightly higher, as it is rounded up to a power of two). At a value of2.0
, the spectra will have twice the resolution (data per frequency band), at a value of0.5
, the spectra will have half the resolution. The temporal resolution is reciprocal, so higher values will lead to longer time windows and thus lower update rates.- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → FreqScopeViewLike
- def xResolution_=(value: Float): Unit
Determines the over- or under-sampling to achieve higher or lower resolution spectra.
Determines the over- or under-sampling to achieve higher or lower resolution spectra.
At the default of
, the resolution matches the screen resolution (it will be slightly higher, as it is rounded up to a power of two). At a value of2.0
, the spectra will have twice the resolution (data per frequency band), at a value of0.5
, the spectra will have half the resolution. The temporal resolution is reciprocal, so higher values will lead to longer time windows and thus lower update rates.- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → FreqScopeViewLike
- def xZoom: Float
The horizontal zoom factor, depending on the type of scope applied to the time or frequency axis.
The horizontal zoom factor, depending on the type of scope applied to the time or frequency axis. Smaller values means to "zoom in", therefore _decreasing_ the visible density, and vice versa.
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def xZoom_=(value: Float): Unit
Returns the current horizontal zoom factor.
Returns the current horizontal zoom factor.
- Definition Classes
- JFreqScopeView → ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def yZoom: Float
The vertical zoom factor, usually applied to amplitudes.
The vertical zoom factor, usually applied to amplitudes. Smaller values means to "zoom in", therefore _decreasing_ the visible density, and vice versa.
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
- def yZoom_=(value: Float): Unit
Returns the current vertical zoom factor.
Returns the current vertical zoom factor.
- Definition Classes
- ScopeViewImpl → ScopeViewLike
Deprecated Value Members
- def action(arg0: Event, arg1: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def bounds(): Rectangle
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def countComponents(): Int
- Definition Classes
- Container
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def deliverEvent(arg0: Event): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def disable(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def enable(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def enable(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def getNextFocusableComponent(): Component
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def gotFocus(arg0: Event, arg1: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def handleEvent(arg0: Event): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def hide(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def insets(): Insets
- Definition Classes
- Container
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def inside(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def isFocusTraversable(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def isManagingFocus(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @Deprecated @BeanProperty()
- Deprecated
- def keyDown(arg0: Event, arg1: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def keyUp(arg0: Event, arg1: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def layout(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def locate(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Component
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def location(): Point
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def lostFocus(arg0: Event, arg1: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def minimumSize(): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def mouseDown(arg0: Event, arg1: Int, arg2: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def mouseDrag(arg0: Event, arg1: Int, arg2: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def mouseEnter(arg0: Event, arg1: Int, arg2: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def mouseExit(arg0: Event, arg1: Int, arg2: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def mouseMove(arg0: Event, arg1: Int, arg2: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def mouseUp(arg0: Event, arg1: Int, arg2: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def move(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def nextFocus(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def postEvent(arg0: Event): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Component → MenuContainer
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def preferredSize(): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- Container → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def requestDefaultFocus(): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def reshape(arg0: Int, arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent → Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def resize(arg0: Dimension): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def resize(arg0: Int, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def setNextFocusableComponent(arg0: Component): Unit
- Definition Classes
- JComponent
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def show(arg0: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def show(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def size(): Dimension
- Definition Classes
- Component
- Annotations
- @Deprecated
- Deprecated