SP3 - Arranging and Linking

So far we have only looked at a singular sound producing Proc. This tutorial will address the question of how multiple processes can be connected together, and how temporal developments may happen beyond the rather low-level scheduler shown in the previous tutorial. We start off with temporal arrangements, and then proceed to the exchange between processes.


There are two objects in SoundProcesses that associate other objects with temporal positions: Grapheme and Timeline. If you look up the API docs, you’ll see that Grapheme derives from a type BiPin[T, A] where the element type A is fixed to Obj[T], and likewise Timeline derives from BiGroup[T, A] with a fixed element type A of Obj[T]. A current limitation of the Obj type system is that type parameters can not be represented, and therefore we need particular sub-types to fix type parameters, in this case the most generic type Obj. The difference between the two is as follows:

  • a Grapheme is similar to a breakpoint function, such that at any point in time, if the function has been defined in the past, there exists exactly one value. In a Grapheme, elements are associated with a point in time, specified as a LongObj. As outlined in the previous example, temporal values are given as sample frames with respect to TimeRef.SampleRate. You can think of a grapheme as a sorted list, so it allows efficient queries by time.
  • a Timeline is similar to a timeline in a multi-track editor, such that its elements are associated with time spans, and at any time there may be zero, one, or multiple overlapping elements. The time spans are specified as SpanLikeObj, which is an Expr[T, SpanLike], and the primitive type SpanLike can be either a bounded Span(start, stop), or an open interval such as Span.From(start) or Span.Until(stop). There are also special cases Span.Void (empty) and Span.All (infinite duration). A timeline allows efficient queries by points in time or time intervals.

If you have used the timeline editor in Mellite, you have basically edited a Timeline object. On the other hand, editors for Grapheme breakpoint functions are, as of this writing, only rudimentarily implemented in the Mellite GUI.

The last example of the previous tutorial showed how a scheduler can be used to update an attribute value and thereby modulate the sound of a Proc. The grapheme allows us to do something similar, but decoupled from the real-time scheduling. We can place designated breakpoints in a grapheme, and this grapheme can then be used instead of the scalar DoubleObj in the proc’s attribute map.

Putting the Startup Ceremony in a Trait

Before we kick off, here is an example trait we can “mix in” to our next snippets to avoid having to type the same thing over and over again:

import de.sciss.lucre.synth.InMemory
import de.sciss.proc.{Transport, Universe}

trait InMemorySoundApp {
  type T = InMemory.Txn
  implicit val cursor = InMemory()

  cursor.step { implicit tx =>
    val u = Universe.dummy[T]
    u.auralSystem.whenStarted { _ =>
      cursor.step { implicit tx =>
        val t = Transport[T](u)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ()

  def run(t: Transport[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit

This starts up the system like we did before, with a small change—we wait until the server is booted before doing anything else, so we can be sure that when we create a transport and play it, it will sound immediately. The def main line ensures that the program can be executed, it does not do anything special, but it so happens that the body of the object containing this trait will also be initialised, so all the other statements will be automatically executed when the program is started. The last line def run is abstract; it does not end with a = and a right-hand side defining the body of the method. Traits can contain abstract methods, and when we use the trait, we have to define that method. This is a standard object-oriented mechanism, so you have probably encountered it in other languages. But otherwise, the following example should make clear how this works:

import de.sciss.proc.Transport

object Snippet5 extends InMemorySoundApp {
  def run(t: Transport[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
    println("Ok, we've booted.")
    sys.exit()  // well, this is just an example, so quit

If we hadn’t defined def run, the compiler would refuse to compile this. You see that implementing or “mixing in” a trait is done by writing extends TraitName. Before, we had always implemented the App trait, now we are implementing our batteries-included trait. Scala allows multiple trait mixin which is very powerful. It’s syntax would be object MyObject extends Trait1 with Trait2 or class MyClass extends Trait1 with Trait2. The object or class can then use any members defined in those traits—here for example type T and value cursor—unless they are marked private.

A Grapheme for Pitch Values

With this trait, we can now introduce the example Snippet6 that shows how to use a grapheme to create a sequence of pitch values:

import de.sciss.lucre.IntObj
import de.sciss.proc.{Grapheme, Proc, TimeRef, Transport}
import de.sciss.synth.SynthGraph

object Snippet6 extends InMemorySoundApp {
  def run(t: Transport[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
    val piano = SynthGraph {
      import de.sciss.synth.Import._
      import de.sciss.synth.proc.graph.Ops._
      import de.sciss.synth.ugen._

      val pitch     = "pitch".ar
      val strike    = (HPZ1.ar(pitch).signum.abs + Impulse.ar(0)) * 0.05
      pitch.poll(strike, "note")
      val hammerEnv = Decay2.ar(strike, 0.008, 0.04)    // excitation envelope
      val sig       = Pan2.ar(
        // array of 3 strings
        Mix.tabulate(3) { i =>
          // detune strings, calculate delay time :
          val detune = Array(-0.05, 0, 0.04)(i)
          val delayTime = 1 / (pitch + detune).midiCps
          // each string gets own exciter :
          val hammer = LFNoise2.ar(3000) * hammerEnv   // 3000 Hz was chosen by ear
          CombL.ar(hammer, // used as a string resonator
            delayTime,     // max delay time
            delayTime,     // actual delay time
            6              // decay time of string
        (pitch - 36) / 27 - 1    // pan position: lo notes left, hi notes right
      Out.ar(0, sig)

    val p = Proc[T]()
    p.graph() = piano
    val pitches = Seq(
      ( 0,78), ( 1,81), ( 2,79), ( 3,78), ( 4,73), ( 5,71), ( 6,73), ( 7,74), ( 8,69),
      (11,66), (14,66), (17,66), (20,66),
      (24,78), (25,81), (26,79), (27,78), (28,73), (29,71), (30,73), (31,74), (32,69),
      (35,73), (38,78), (41,64),
      (50,69), (51,71), (52,72), (53,76), (54,74), (55,71), (56,74), (57,72), (58,71), (59,74),
      (64,74), (65,76), (66,77), (67,79), (68,81), (69,72), (70,74), (71,76), (72,74), (73,71), (74,74) // ...

    val g = Grapheme[T]()
    pitches.foreach { case (beat, pch) =>
      val time = (beat * 0.5 * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong
      g.add(time, IntObj.newConst(pch))
    p.attr.put("pitch", g)


The snippet looks very long, but the main reason is that we used a more sophisticated synth graph, a synthetic piano taken from the standard SuperCollider examples. What is important in the graph is again the creation of a control, and we use a trick to derive from the changes in the control value a trigger for exciting the piano sound:

val pitch     = "pitch".ar
val strike    = (HPZ1.ar(pitch).signum.abs + Impulse.ar(0)) * 0.05
pitch.poll(strike, "note")
val hammerEnv = Decay2.ar(strike, 0.008, 0.04)    // excitation envelope

If you are new to SuperCollider, the .poll statement means that the current value of pitch is printed to the console whenever the trigger signal strike goes from non-positive to positive. Since strike is defined to trigger exactly when pitch changes, the poll will print exactly the sequence of pitch values as they enter the real-time sound synthesis server. The way the trigger is generated looks complicated. How do we detect that pitch changes? One way to do that is to use HPZ1, a simple high-pass filter that differentiates the signal, subtracting from the current sample the value of the previous sample. If the signal does not change, the output of HPZ1 is zero, if it changes it will be non-zero. To ensure we have a consistent signal of zero or one, .signum.abs converts any non-zero signal to one. There are other possibilities to express the same idea, for example pitch sig_!= Delay1.ar(pitch) would have been one. What complicates the matter is that SuperCollider has a notorious problem of UGen initialisation. What should the output of a UGen be when the synth is started? Until version 3.8 of SuperCollider, many UGens have a rather unintuitive behaviour, for example Delay1 will not start by outputting zero, as if the delay line was “empty”, but instead it will repeat the first input sample. As a result, strike would not produce an initial trigger at time zero. To compensate for that, we simply add an Impulse.ar(0) which is a trick to create a single sample impulse at time zero. The final multiplication * 0.05 does not alter the trigger behaviour, but it scales the amplitude of the excitation signal hammerEnv.

The other important bit is how the grapheme is created and registered:

val pitches = Seq(
  ( 0,78), ( 1,81), ( 2,79), ( 3,78), ( 4,73), ( 5,71), ( 6,73), ( 7,74), ( 8,69),
  (11,66), (14,66), (17,66), (20,66),
  (24,78), (25,81), (26,79), (27,78), (28,73), (29,71), (30,73), (31,74), (32,69),
  (35,73), (38,78), (41,64),
  (50,69), (51,71), (52,72), (53,76), (54,74), (55,71), (56,74), (57,72), (58,71), (59,74),
  (64,74), (65,76), (66,77), (67,79), (68,81), (69,72), (70,74), (71,76), (72,74), (73,71), (74,74) // ...

val g = Grapheme[T]()
pitches.foreach { case (beat, pch) =>
  val time = (beat * 0.5 * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong
  g.add(time, IntObj.newConst(pch))
p.attr.put("pitch", g)

Similar to creating a new “blank” proc with Proc[T]() (aka Proc.apply[T]()), a new empty grapheme is created with Grapheme[T]() (aka Grapheme.apply[T]()). We stored a combination of time values and pitches in the pitches sequence. In Scala, you can create ad-hoc records or tuples by putting together comma separated values in parentheses. So (a, b) is a tuple of arity two, its class is actually Tuple2 with the type parameters corresponding to the types of the first and second tuple element, respectively. So (0, 78), containing two integer numbers, is of type Tuple2[Int, Int]. To transfer those values into the grapheme, we iterate over the sequence, this is done with the foreach method which corresponds with do in SuperCollider’s collections, although we don’t automatically get an extra index counter argument. The { case (beat, pch) => ... } way of writing a lambda is special in Scala in that we use pattern matching. A function literal in Scala can be written with a list of case statements, each of which checks the function’s input argument, and when it matches, runs the corresponding body of the case branch. In many cases there is only one single case statement, and it’s used not to detect if an argument matches a pattern, but to decompose it and “extract” elements of it. Here is the iteration written without pattern matching:

pitches.foreach { tup =>
  val time = (tup._1 * 0.5 * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong
  g.add(time, IntObj.newConst(tup._2))

You see that Tuple2 has two methods _1 and _2 to access the two elements stored in the tuple. You will probably agree that the first form, using the pattern matching, is more readable, and that’s why we usually use that form. When you write case (beat, ch) =>, Scala extracts the two tuple elements and assigns them to local values beat and ch. We will learn more about pattern matching in the future. For now, what’s important is how we create a proper time key for the grapheme, and how key and value are stored. Our pitches sequence used logical “beat” indices as time pointers. The grapheme expects sample frames with reference to TimeRef.SampleRate. If we decide that the tempo be two beats per second (or 120 bpm), then we need to multiple the beat index with 0.5 to obtain the time point in seconds. To obtain a sample frame, we multiply with the sample rate, and we must then convert the Double floating point number to a Long expected by the grapheme. The MIDI note pitches we can then use directly, wrapping them inside IntObj instances. The system can feed both integer and floating point numbers to the control input of a synth. Behind the scenes, they will always be converted to 32-bit floating point numbers, because that’s the only precision understood by the SuperCollider server.


When synthesis parameters refer to the proc’s attribute map, we can use both scalar values in the form of, for example, a DoubleObj, but we can also use more complex objects as control signals, such as a Grapheme which then acts as a breakpoint function, where time zero is aligned with the starting point of the synth.

You may also have noticed, when playing this snippet, that the first or so note seems a bit faster than the following ones. Currently, SoundProcesses does not incorporate any mechanism for automatic latency control of OSC bundles to the server. Messages are sent out when a transaction completes. Normally, on reasonably fast computers, this is not a big issue, but it leaves room for improvement in future versions. In my own work, I very rarely have the need for extremely precise timing of client-server communication, and when I need very precise timing, I make sure that temporal signals are produced through UGens on the server. But this needs not extend to other people’s expectations, so hopefully we can improve client-server timing precision in the future (although this endeavour is quite complicated, since latency and precision are mutual compromises, and SuperCollider itself has no provision for sample-accurate scheduling).


A timeline allows to place multiple objects to coexist or follow each other in time, similar to regions in a multi-track editor. The synthetic piano example may not be the best suited here, as each note’s duration is determined by a recursive decay, but for the sake of simplicity, we will just reuse that synth graph, except that we eliminate the strike trigger and just excite once per synth. Here is Snippet7 which places various piano strikes as individual procs on a timeline:

import de.sciss.lucre.DoubleVector
import de.sciss.proc.{Proc, TimeRef, Timeline, Transport}
import de.sciss.span.Span
import de.sciss.synth.SynthGraph

object Snippet7 extends InMemorySoundApp {
  def run(t: Transport[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
    val piano = SynthGraph {
      import de.sciss.synth.Import._
      import de.sciss.synth.proc.graph.Ops._
      import de.sciss.synth.ugen._

      val pitch     = "pitch".ar
      val strike    = Impulse.ar(0) * 0.1 / NumChannels(pitch).sqrt
      val hammerEnv = Decay2.ar(strike, 0.008, 0.04)
      val sig       = Pan2.ar(
        Mix.tabulate(3) { i =>
          val detune    = Array(-0.05, 0, 0.04)(i)
          val delayTime = 1 / (pitch + detune).midiCps
          val hammer    = LFNoise2.ar(3000) * hammerEnv
          CombL.ar(hammer, delayTime, delayTime, 6)
        (pitch - 36) / 27 - 1
      Out.ar(0, Mix(sig))

    val tl = Timeline[T]()
    for (i <- 0 until 30) {
      val p       = Proc[T]()
      p.graph()   = piano
      import de.sciss.numbers.Implicits._
      val pitches = Vector.fill(i/5 + 1)(math.random().linLin(0, 1, 49, 76) + i)
      p.attr.put("pitch", DoubleVector.newConst(pitches))
      val timeSec = i.linExp(0, 29, 7, 21)
      val time    = (timeSec * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong
      val dur     = (      8 * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong
      tl.add(Span(time, time + dur), p)


If you play that, you will hear a ritardando, and the piano starts from single pitches and goes into chords, the pitches being random but with a slight upward tendency. So the timeline is created using Timeline[T](), and we add elements to it using the add method that takes a SpanLikeObj for time region and the object to place. How are the pitches generated and how does the number of voices increase over time? Here is the relevant code:

import de.sciss.numbers.Implicits._
val pitches = Vector.fill(i/5 + 1)(math.random().linLin(0, 1, 49, 76) + i)
p.attr.put("pitch", DoubleVector.newConst(pitches))

The import adds as extension method linLin on numbers, something we know from SuperCollider but normally not supported by numbers in Scala. For those who are curious, you can easily extend classes with new methods in Scala, using so-called implicit classes (the import above brings such an implicit class into scope):

implicit class MyIntOps(n: Int) {
  def isPrime: Boolean = n > 1 && !((2 until n-1).exists(n % _ == 0))

This would “extend” the Int type with the method isPrime, so we can write 1.isPrime, 2.isPrime, (0 to 10).filter(_.isPrime) and so on. Note that Scala does not share SuperCollider’s brilliant concept of automatically allowing the two styles isPrime(x) and x.isPrime. The former would be an ordinary method defined on some utility object and is not looked for in the type of x.

So what does Vector.fill do? Vector, like List, is an immutable collection type in Scala, one that has efficient random access and a fast size method, among other things. We use it here, because there is an Obj type in SoundProcesses that we can use, DoubleVector which is roughly an Expr[T, Vector[Double]]. We can create a Vector passing directly all its elements, like Vector(2, 3, 5, 8), but we can also use a generator function with Vector.fill(n)(f) or Vector.tabulate(n)(f). The fill constructor takes the number of elements in the first argument list, and a parameterless function in the second argument list, which is invoked for each of the elements. For example, Vector.fill(4)(3) would create the sequence Vector(3, 3, 3, 3). Since we use a random number generator, and it is evaluated over and over again, we create vectors of random pitches. In contrast, Vector.tabulate passes the element index counter into the function. For example, Vector.tabulate(4)(i => i * 3) would create the sequence Vector(0, 3, 6, 9). In SuperCollider, the closest equivalent to fill and tabulate would be Array.fill(n, f).

Now we can explain why the number of voices increases over time. It’s the size of the vectors we create, so (i/5 + 1) where i runs from 0 (inclusive) until 30 (exclusive). In Scala, for (i <- range) do-something is a for-loop that iterates over a range of numbers with i becoming the iteration variable. A range literal can be start until stop for an exclusive end, or start to stop for an inclusive end. If you evaluate the number of voices, it goes from (0/5 + 1) == 1 to (29/5 + 1) == 6. If we now look at the relevant part of the synth graph:

val pitch     = "pitch".ar
val strike    = Impulse.ar(0) * 0.1 / NumChannels(pitch).sqrt

We see that we did not specify a default value for the pitch control. Because SoundProcesses expands the UGen graph late, it can look up, in each case, what number of channels the control would have, so in our example, we actually get different synth-defs in the end, because the pitch control changes from monophonic (a vector of size 1) up to 6 channels. The late expansion is also the reason why we cannot directly query the number of channels of a graph element or UGen inside the synth-graph definition. Here the NumChannels graph element (or pseudo-UGen) comes to the rescue. It simply expands to a constant denoting the number of channels of its input argument. We use it here to scale down the amplitude by a factor determined by the square-root of the number of channels, thereby compensating for the increased volume due to the increased number of voices. Also note that we use a Mix inside the final Out UGen to sum the different voices together before sending them to the audio interface.

Next, let’s see the temporal positions of the thirty procs:

val timeSec = i.linExp(0, 29, 7, 21)
val time    = (timeSec * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong
val dur     = (      8 * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong
tl.add(Span(time, time + dur), p)

We create an exponential series from 7 to 21 seconds, and convert it to sample frames. linExp was also imported through numbers.Implicits and does exactly what its SuperCollider counterpart does. We give a liberal span length or duration of eight seconds; by that time, the Decay of the sound envelope should have faded to a tiny number. Because the first proc does not start at the beginning of the timeline, but after seven seconds, we use a seek command on the transport before we invoke play:


We could also have written t.seek((7 * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong), but since we’re smarty-pants, we queried the position of the first element on the timeline instead. firstEvent returns a type Option[Long]. Scala uses the type Option for values that may either be defined/present or undefined/absent. If the timeline was empty or only contained elements with unbounded intervals, the result of firstEvent would be None. The defined case of an Option is Some. In our case, the result would be Some(98784000L) (in Scala, 64-bit long integer literals are written with a trailing l or L character). We can turn an optional value into a defined value by using the method getOrElse(defaultValue). If the value is Some(x) then x is returned, if it is None, then the given defaultValue is returned. In SuperCollider, this behaviour would be represented by a value being either nil or not-nil, and the equivalent of x.getOrElse(defaultValue) would be x ?? { defaultValue }.

Linking Processes

The last example has shown that multiple processes on a timeline may overlap, but so far they did not directly interact with each other. You may remember that Proc had a method output, and that I mentioned that this gives us a way to patch processes together. We are going to look at that in this section.

A common case would be the filtering of one process by another, or the routing of processes to some output buses. Snippet8 shows this, decomposing one of SuperCollider’s and ScalaCollider’s standard example, the aptly named “what was I thinking?”. In that example, a pulse oscillator is fed through a resonant low-pass filter, and finally augmented by reverberation. If want to take these three things apart, we can create three individual Procs, and in order to link them, we use the special graph elements ScanIn and ScanOut. Additionally, we need to create output objects for the first two procs and place these in the attribute map of the subsequent procs:

import de.sciss.proc.{Proc, Transport}
import de.sciss.synth._
import de.sciss.synth.Import._
import de.sciss.synth.proc.graph._
import de.sciss.synth.ugen._

object Snippet8 extends InMemorySoundApp {
  def run(t: Transport[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
    val gOsc = SynthGraph {
      val freq = SinOsc.kr(4).mulAdd(1, 80).max(
        Decay.ar(LFPulse.ar(0.1, 0, 0.05) * Impulse.ar(8) * 500, 2)
      val width = LFNoise1.kr(0.157).mulAdd(0.4, 0.5)
      val pulse = Pulse.ar(freq, width) * 0.04
    val pOsc = Proc[T]()
    pOsc.graph() = gOsc
    val outOsc = pOsc.outputs.add("out")

    val gRes = SynthGraph {
      val in = ScanIn()
      val res = RLPF.ar(in, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).mulAdd(2000, 2400), 0.2)
    val pRes = Proc[T]()
    pRes.graph() = gRes
    pRes.attr.put("in", outOsc)
    val outRes = pRes.outputs.add("out")

    val gVerb = SynthGraph {
      val in  = ScanIn()
      val y   = in * 0.6
      val sig = in + Seq(
        Mix.fill(2)(CombL.ar(y, 0.06, LFNoise1.kr(Rand(0, 0.3)).mulAdd(0.025, 0.035), 1)),
        Mix.fill(2)(CombL.ar(y, 0.06, LFNoise1.kr(Rand(0, 0.3)).mulAdd(0.025, 0.035), 1))
      Out.ar(0, sig)
    val pVerb = Proc[T]()
    pVerb.graph() = gVerb
    pVerb.attr.put("in", outRes)


This is what we need to do:

  • replace Out.ar(bus, x) UGens by ScanOut(x). This means the signal x is sent to an internal bus associated with the standard output of the proc.
  • outputs are in a dictionary outputs of a proc. The are organised by string keys, with the default key being "out". If we wanted a different key or several outputs, we could specify the key as ScanOut("key", x).
  • we have to create a corresponding entry in the outputs dictionary using, p.outputs.add("key"). This method returns an object of type Proc.Output.
  • to use this output object as the input to another (sink) proc, it must be placed in the sink’s attribute map. the sink proc’s graph function may grab the signal through a ScanIn() graph element. The default key in the attribute map is "in". If we want to use another key, we would write ScanIn("key").

Of course, this example is a bit silly, because if we just play these three procs together, there isn’t really a need to spread the sound producing function across three graphs. It makes more sense if several processes are combined onto one bus, or if the bus signals change over time. This is done in the following Snippet9:

import de.sciss.lucre.{Folder, IntObj}
import de.sciss.proc._
import de.sciss.span.Span
import de.sciss.synth._
import de.sciss.synth.Import._
import de.sciss.synth.proc.graph.Ops._
import de.sciss.synth.proc.graph._
import de.sciss.synth.ugen._

object Snippet9 extends InMemorySoundApp {
  def run(t: Transport[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
    implicit class Seconds(d: Double) {
      def seconds: Long = (d * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong

    val gOsc = SynthGraph {
      val f0    = "pitch".kr(40f).midiCps
      val freq  = (SinOsc.kr(4) + f0).max(
        Decay.ar(LFPulse.ar(0.1, 0, 0.05) * Impulse.ar(8) * 500, 2)
      val width = LFNoise1.kr(0.157).mulAdd(0.4, 0.5)
      val pulse = Pulse.ar(freq, width) * 0.04
      val res   = RLPF.ar(pulse, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).mulAdd(2000, 2400), 0.2)
      val fd    = FadeOut.ar
      val sig   = Pan2.ar(res * fd, LFNoise1.kr(0.1))

    val tlProc  = Timeline[T]()
    val fOut    = Folder[T]()
    for (i <- 0 to 15) {
      val pOsc  = Proc[T]()
      pOsc.graph() = gOsc
      val pitch = i.linLin(0, 15, 30, 110).toInt
      pOsc.attr.put("pitch", IntObj.newConst(pitch))
      val dur   = math.random().linLin(0, 1, 10, 20)
      val off   = math.random().linLin(0, 1,  0, 20) + i.linLin(0, 15, 0, 60)
      pOsc.attr.put("fade-out", FadeSpec.Obj.newConst(FadeSpec((dur/2).seconds)))
      val oOsc  = pOsc.outputs.add("out")
      val span  = Span(off.seconds, (off + dur).seconds)
      tlProc.add(span, pOsc)
      fOut  .addLast  (oOsc)

    val gVerb = SynthGraph {
      val in  = ScanInFix(2)
      val y   = in * 0.6
      val sig = in + Mix.fill(2)(CombL.ar(y, 0.06, LFNoise1.kr(Rand(0, 0.3)).mulAdd(0.025, 0.035), 1))
      Out.ar(0, sig)
    val pVerb = Proc[T]()
    pVerb.attr.put("in", fOut)
    pVerb.graph() = gVerb


The synth-graph is the same as before, combining again pulse oscillator and resonator within the same function. I added a "pitch" input control, and the signal is faded out using a FadeOut.ar element. This is a special graph element from SoundProcesses that takes into account the proc’s span on a timeline, fading out according to an entry at key "fade-out" in the attribute map. That entry is of type FadeSpec.Obj where a FadeSpec gives fade duration and curvature. Also, we are sending out a stereo signal now, using a Pan2 with randomly changing position.

The for-loop in the middle is interesting which assembles procs on a timeline. Each proc is placed further along the timeline, with a random variation, and the fundamental pitch increases over time. Note that to avoid the annoying multiplications with the sampling rate, we add an extension method .seconds like this:

implicit class Seconds(d: Double) {
  def seconds: Long = (d * TimeRef.SampleRate).toLong

So 2.seconds produces the corresponding sample frame 28224000L. There are two ways in which we can connect the different oscillator procs to the reverberation: Either we add their outputs to a single collection, Folder[T], or we add them indeed to another Timeline[T]. Here we go for the former, which is slightly less efficient but otherwise simpler to understand. So, we add the procs themselves with the desired spans to the timeline, and we add the outputs to a separate object of type Folder which is then placed at the "in" key of the attribute map of the reverberation process:

val tlProc  = Timeline[T]()
val fOut    = Folder[T]()
for (i <- 0 to 15) {
  val pOsc  = Proc[T]()
  // ...
  tlProc.add(span, pOsc)
  fOut  .addLast  (oOsc)
val pVerb = Proc[T]()
pVerb.attr.put("in", fOut)

The Folder type has methods addHead and addLast to add an element either at the beginning or the end of the sequence. In our case, the order of the outputs inside the folder does not matter.

Both the timeline and the reverberation proc must then be registered with the transport. Alternatively (Snippet9Var), we also could have added the reverberation to the timeline with the special position Span.All:

tlProc.add(Span.All, pVerb)

In Mellite, processes inside a timeline with Span.All are called “global” processes. In the timeline editor they appear in the left table of the editor window.